
Carmichael International Tax is a specialist provider of expatriate tax to companies and private clients across Australia and around the world.

We provide Australian and foreign tax advice for any client on any expatriate issues. This includes Australian income tax, Living Away From Home Allowance (“LAFHA”), Super Guarantee, PAYG withholding (“Pay As You Go”), WA Payroll Tax, hypothetical tax, tax treaty advice, analysis of DTA’s or tax treaties, drafting and reviewing expatriate HR policies, advising on tax equalization policies, foreign taxes of any kind, and minimizing expatriate costs for companies that are moving people anywhere in the world.

We prepare Australian personal tax returns for assignees and for private clients. Our global network of external tax providers can prepare US, UK and South African tax returns, as well as for most countries worldwide.

In summary, we provide simple, easy-to-understand solutions to complex global tax problems.

Talk to Us

And get the right answer at the right time and the right price. We won’t just give you the answers to the questions you ask. We will help you ask the questions you didn’t even know you ought to be asking. It’s what we do.